Be Relentless with Your Goals
To be relentless is to be persistent, continual, continuous and basically never giving up.
No matter how vast, big or seemingly impossible your goals may be, you must be relentless. Think of this way, if you are willing to allow space to give up on yourself, then how will garner the support of others? You have to be so firm with yourself that when the excuses start to pop up and tell you that you can't, won't or don't deserve to have everything you want; you can swat them away like the pesky flies they are.
Don't allow negative beliefs to seep into your thoughts. They have a way of tagging you when you start to overthink, overanalyze or otherwise spend too much time trying to decipher all the possible outcomes you want to avoid. When you set a goal, your mind has a way of reminding you of all the barriers and obstacles you may face on your pursuit.
Your mind can be your best friend, or your worst nemesis. It has a way of keeping you in the flow of your feelings. If you are feeling strong, determined and relentless, your mind has a way of clearing a mental path for you to think your way into (or out of) any possible scenario that may present itself. When you have your eye precision focused on the prize (whatever that may be) your mind will give you more and more thoughts to keep you on track.
However, the MOMENT you allow a negative thought to STICK, you get yanked away like you're stuck to a runaway freight train. Down, down, down you go into the pits of all sorts of buts, can'ts, won'ts, what if negatives .. etc. Then you have to work TWICE as hard to pull yourself back to square one.
Sounds like a lot of work, right? That's because it is a TON of work.
It is also work to keep your thoughts aligned with exactly what you DO want. You still have to make a diligent, relentless effort; but it is much simpler to reach for a better feeling thought when doubt seeps in; than it is to jump off of a runaway freight train of negative thoughts.
As soon as I feel a negative thought creeping up, I literally say to myself (aloud) STOP IT! STOP IT I SAY! Cuz I need that mental, physiological experience to make the negative thoughts chill the hell out. Otherwise, I will find myself in a shit storm of negativity and curled up in a corner somewhere not accomplishing a single thing.
Who has time to let their goals sit on the shelf while they are wrapped up in negative thinking? I sure as hell don't. I have some BIG ASS GOALS and I know that time is an illusion, so I can make it work in my favor, or it can totally work against me.
Instead of allowing yourself to be passive with your goals, be relentless. Go after them with power, intention and courage. Trust me, you will get there much quicker and have a smile on your face when you do.
Remember, your goals are the result of your dreams; and those dreams are unique to you. So don't mess around and let your dreams remain elements of your imagination. Make them keystones in your reality.
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