Getting There When It’s Grim

If you've read a few of these blogs.  If you're on social media of any kind.  Or even if you tuned into anything broadcast on OWN in the last 12 months.  You may have caught a glimpse of this movement of sorts that's happening.  It's a movement of peace, love and positivity.  Essentially are starting to wake up to the idea that being miserable, and running a rat race through life is no way to live.  

However, because our world is so jacked up, at times it may seem pretty grim.  The idea of being positive, mindful and happy may seem like a distant, pipe dream for some!  The truth is, it is because so many people have forgotten what happiness even looks like.  Or maybe never even experienced joy.  It's sad to consider; but its so true for many.  

Getting to happy, when it's grim may sound like monumental chore.  Trust me, it's not.  

Believe it or not, getting to happy when it's grim is sort of like having a boxing match with negativity.  Some people call it, negative energy, darkness, the devil, whatever.  No matter what you call it, there's foul shit out there in this world.  If you're not cautious, it can totally attach itself to you and bring way down, far away from happiness.  

The good thing is, bliss (aka the ultimate happiness) is literally only a few breaths away.  Yea, just a few breaths!  

Meaning, all you have to do is start by telling yourself, "I am not gonna let this grim crap happening all around me, bring me out of my bliss!" - I get it.  Saying that out loud to yourself may seem kinda goofy, right?  Well guess what?  If you wanna get to bliss, you gotta get a little goofy.  What have you got to lose anyway?

There's been times in my life where grim was the order of the day.  Moments when I literally sat on my meditation cushion and just cried.  Not the cute, single tear down the cheek cry.  I mean the ugly, bawling your eyes out until breathing becomes complicated; and cries began to sound like laughter kinda cry.  Sometimes this world just seems like too much, right?

With all violence, pain, injustice and destruction happening all around us, it may seem like bliss is impossible.  

Well it's not! 

Remember happiness, or in this case, bliss is a choice you make. It's not a place you have to drive, crawl or walk to.  You literally just have to gain control of your mind, and CHOOSE to be happy.  No matter how grim it might be.  

Keeping in mind, if you focus on what's grim, then you'll be attracting more and more of that feeling.  Whereas, if you allow yourself to get to a happy place in your thoughts, you will attract more and more of that.  

So today, I invite to tell yourself that you're not going to allow the grimness of this world to weigh you down.  No matter what, there's always joy.  There's always light.  There's always love.  You just gotta choose it. 

Let me know what you think, by leaving a comment below. Also, remember to subscribe so you’ll never miss a post.


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